Monday, July 21, 2008

A Quick River Loop

Lots of storms around lately, so not very many good riding days. This afternoon turned out better than expected, and it looked like there was time to get out for an hour or two, so I headed to SCCC to do 15-17 miles along the Mohawk, as usual. Temps in the mid-80s and humid, but not bad while riding. Followed the bike path to the end, then out NY5S to NY103, and crossed over to NY5 to return through Scotia for 17+ miles. Passed two guys on their way east from San Francisco. They had stayed in St. Johnsville last night, and were heading somewhere past Albany today, TBD. Not very talkative, and there was too much traffic on NY5 to ride 3 abreast and carry on a conversation, so I bid them farewell and headed on.


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