Rynex Ramble
Well, now that was a ride! I didn't have good feelings about the weather holding all day, so instead of a long ride, I decided it was time for a hill. I rode out along the river for about 7 miles, then turned left, and climbed Rynex Corners Road, 900 feet in the next 3 miles:

This was the longest climb so far this year, and it wasn't a problem at all. I stopped once after about a mile or so, not having quite gotten my legs or breath yet, but after that, it was a steady non-stop climb to the top, mostly with 1-2 gears to spare. And the nice thing about a climb, is that then you have to come down. I came down North Kelly and Currybush to NY159, and back to the car, for a total of 23.6 miles, and 100 in the past 4 days. Very satisfying ride!
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