Sunday, May 25, 2008

Long Hilly Ride

Perfect Memorial Day weekend weather, with temps in the low 70s and little wind. Decided to get in a tougher ride than I've been doing so far this year, so I settled on the Mariaville-Esperance-Duanesburg loop, 43 miles with 2300+ feet of climbing.

Stopped at the top of the first climb in Mariaville for an apple pie at the general store, again for lunch in Esperance at the 23-mile low point, and again in Duanesburg for an ice cream after the climb out of Esperance. It's really hard to eat too much while biking, and especially when climbing is involved. The bike performed flawlessly and quietly, and the legs felt good for most of the day, with only a hint of potential cramping that passed with a drink stop. That's over a hundred miles in 5 days, with another ride on tap for tomorrow.


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