Monday, October 01, 2007

Another River Ride

Went hiking on Saturday, climbing 2375 feet in about 2 miles, and my legs were SORE on Sunday. But it was another very nice day for a ride, so off I went. I fully intended this time to push all the way to Amsterdam and do 32 miles, and when I reached the 15-mile turnaround point, it really seemed like that would be way less than enough. All went well, the raised seat giving me better extension and an easier ride. But my butt's out of shape, and started getting sore. Then, around 20 miles, my aching legs had had enough. Too bad I still had 12 to go. Slogged back to Schenectady on NY5, and finished in a little over 2 hours, at a 15.4 overall pace. Not bad, but the second half just wasn't fun. Now at 1506 miles for the season, so anything more is just icing on the cake.

Another month or so of sporadic rides, and then back on the trainer. Changed the rear tire on the old bike, putting on a worn "trainer tire", and got it set up, though with a bulge that may get to be annoying. Need to check the rim tape in that area - think I may have added some for flat protection.

Ordered an extended seat post for the old MTB, thinking it may be usable for local errands and such. Odd diameter, so hard to find. Ordered from an LA craigslist listing - will see how it works out.


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